
...VMwarecustomersshouldusetheBroadcomSupportPortalforalloftheirself-servicelicensingandsupportneeds.IfyouareanEndUserComputing(EUC) ...,InstallonLinux·DownloadtheinstallerfromVMware·Installthebundleviaterminalusingthecommand'sudosh'·Type'yes'atthepromptsto ...,準備HorizonClient適用的連線伺服器.▫.安裝選項.▫.從VMware產品下載安裝或升級Linux版HorizonClient.▫.從Ubuntu軟體中心...

Continue to VMware Customer Connect

... VMware customers should use the Broadcom Support Portal for all of their self-service licensing and support needs. If you are an End User Computing (EUC) ...

Installing VMware Horizon Client

Install on Linux · Download the installer from VMware · Install the bundle via terminal using the command 'sudo sh <path-to-bundle>' · Type 'yes' at the prompts to ...

Linux 版VMware Horizon Client 安裝和設定指南

準備Horizon Client 適用的連線伺服器. ▫. 安裝選項. ▫. 從VMware 產品下載安裝或升級Linux 版Horizon Client. ▫. 從Ubuntu 軟體中心安裝Linux 版Horizon Client. ▫.

VMware Horizon Client not working in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

2020年5月9日 — VMware Horizon Client not working in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS · 1. Installed Google Chrome Browser · 2. Today there was a system update from Ubuntu-This ...

從VMware 產品下載安裝或升級Linux 版Horizon Client

2022年11月2日 — 程序 · 請指定是否允許安裝程式在安裝之後登錄並啟動已安裝的服務。 允許安裝程式完成這些作業,表示您不需要在每次重新開機時手動啟動USB 重新導向服務。

Download VMware Horizon Clients

VMware Horizon Clients for Windows, Mac, iOS, Linux, Chrome and Android allow you to connect to your VMware Horizon virtual desktop from your device of ...

Install or Upgrade Horizon Client for Linux Using the ...

2023年10月8日 — You can download and run a bundle installer for Horizon Client from the VMware Downloads page. To upgrade Horizon Client, ...

Install VMware Horizon Client on Ubuntu

Rough instructions on insatlling the VMware Horizon Client on Ubuntu. Go to https://www.vmware.com/go/viewclients and download the appropriate version ...